A New Adventure Begins
My love of decorating and personalizing a home started with our first house. It was about 50-years-old with bad wallpaper (many layers of it!) and shag carpet.
I would come home everyday from my job and work on that house. I loved it! I changed every inch of it. All of the walls and floors were redone. Every room was transformed. I loved personalizing our first house and continued to completely change the homes we lived in after that.
I started helping family and friends with their decorating while I was pursuing a different career. But my passion was decorating and I would spend all of my free time doing that. I started to wonder if I could make decorating my career. It was heavy on my mind for a long time.
It would mean stepping away from a 20-year career. It would mean getting out of my comfort zone and taking a leap of faith. It would mean jumping into the unknown.
I decided to follow my passion. I didn't want to look back on my life and wonder if I could have been successful as a decorator. If I didn't try, I would never know.
I am inspired when I think of helping other people (especially busy parents) love their homes - without spending a fortune. I want everyone to have personalized spaces that bring them joy.
I am excited to see where this journey will lead me. I am sure there will be many lessons along the way, but I can't wait to learn them all. I will continue to evolve and have zero room for regret. As long as I am making other people happy, I will be thrilled.
We can be so busy trying to live up to what we think we should be doing that we don't allow ourselves to follow our dream. We don't allow ourselves to go after our passion, and yet, we are each in control of our own happiness. Trust your gut. Your intuition is your best source of guidance. Take that leap and refuse to live cautiously.
I encourage anyone reading this to pursue the longing of your heart.
And now my new adventure awaits...