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5 tips for styling a coffee table

There are several tips you can use when styling a coffee table. Here are my top 5:

1. Form a grid on your coffee table. You can break your coffee table into 3 or 6 squares and then decorate those squares. It makes it easier than trying to figure out what to put on the entire table. For example, in the picture above, I divided the table into 3 sections. Two in the back and one in the front. Then, I could decorate those 3 areas and not have items all over the table.

2. Don't have everything at the same height. You will want to use both high and low items. If everything is the same height, nothing stands out. I also like to vary the size of things used. If everything is small, nothing stands out. Use varying heights and sizes. In the photo above, you can see several different sizes and heights.

3. Use the rule of 3. Group things together in groups of 3 to create visual interest. When you have a group of items that are odd number, it brings interest to the eye. Three is a great number because it won't look too crowded. Even if you have beautiful things, if you group 8 of them together, it loses it's impact. Allow each piece to shine.

4. Look at your table from every angle. Your guests will see your coffee table from all angles so examine it from each side to make sure you like how it looks all the way around. For example, large frames don't work well because you will see the back of the frame from one angle. The same with an object that you only like from one side. It would be better on a shelf where you can hide the back, versus a coffee table.

5. KISS. Keep It Simple Sweetie! This is not an opportunity to put out everything you own. Nor is it a chance to line up things all over the table. Keep it simple so it is visually appealing. Group things together so they aren't "floating" by themselves on the table. A few groupings on a table are more appealing than things all over the table. This also allows your guests to put down a drink or a book. A coffee table should also have room to actually be used.

Bonus tip: if you have an ottoman that you want to use as a coffee table, you can simply put a tray on top. You know I love trays! This is a chance to create a display area on an ottoman or other soft surface. A tray also gives structure when used on a ottoman or a table. Things are grouped together on a tray and create more impact.

Have fun creating your own coffee table style. It is a wonderful way to bring visual interest into your room.

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