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Christmas Decorating

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Don't you love decorating for the holidays? I do! Even if it isn't your favorite thing, I am here to make it easy for you. There are some simple tips to follow to create wonderful holiday displays. Let's get started...

First, use what you have. Look around your house and gather up frames, candle sticks, vases, décor items... then group them together and figure out how you want to use them in your Christmas decorating. Even if they aren't your "Christmas decorations". Use what you have! You can sprinkle in more traditional Christmas decorations as you go. For example, the frame above usually holds a picture and the vase with the Christmas balls usually holds other décor items. Mix it up and have fun with it.

Secondly, Christmas doesn't have to mean red and green. Use what colors you like. I love metallic so many of my displays have silver or gold. Personalize to fit what you like. In the picture above, I have gathered up some of my favorite silver items and added greenery for a festive touch. Some of these things are Christmas decorations and some are things that are out all year. Metallic items really pop against greenery. It makes them appear even brighter. I love adding in metallics in decorating for Christmas.

Third, use trays so you can move displays around. (You knew I would say something about trays, right?!) This little display is in front of a fireplace and we like to move it when we have a fire. A tray makes it easy to move. Also, develop a theme in your displays. Here, it is red, green and snowmen. In order to develop a theme, simply put all of your items out on a table. You can then start to group together things that go with each other. So, for the first picture in this blog, I pulled aside things that were gold and black. In the second, it was all silver. In the picture below, it was gold items. In the picture below that, it was white and blue things. Every display and decorative area in your house doesn't have to be the same theme/color. Have fun with this!

Fourth, think in layers. Use objects with different heights to create interest. Here, I started with a big frame, then added a shorter item on either side to "stair step" down the height. I then tucked in a few lower decorative pieces (the gold bowl on the box is higher than the gold tray - again stair stepping down), and finished with lots of greenery. Build up your displays with varying heights and textures.

Fifth, layer in greens to add dimension. Use different colors and variety to add interest. You can also mix in faux and real greenery. If all of the green is the same color and size, it won't be as interesting a display. Also, personalize your displays. I asked my kids to make some Christmas art for me. All of the framed phrases in this blog were created by my daughter (shout out to Lexie!) Get the family involved and personalize your decorating.

Lastly, keep it simple. This display is simply a store bought wreath on a mirror with Christmas trees and ornaments inside. It took only a few minutes. You could also use a green wreath with ornaments inside or a wreath with 3 candle sticks inside. The possibilities are endless. Wreaths aren't just for hanging. Put one on your table and have fun decorating it. Also, sprinkle in some sparkle. Metallics have a stunning effect in the evening, especially by candlelight. Surfaces that catch the light, like mercury glass, mirrors, or silver, are a gorgeous way to add some sparkle.

Make your Christmas decorating your own. Personalize it. Use things you love. Get your family involved. When you walk into your house, it should make you smile.

Next week: Christmas trees and hostess ideas. Can't wait!

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