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My 9 favorite art prints on Minted

I love art. It can completely transform a room. If you are looking to add color, art can help. If you want to create a certain mood, look to art. If you want to tie different elements together, look no further than the perfect art piece.

But here's the deal: many people get scared when it comes to art. They aren't sure what to pick. They don't know what will be the best fit for their room. And then they feel they will need to have that art on their wall for the rest of eternity. That is quite the commitment!

Let me reassure you that picking out art is a fun process that anyone can do. One of my favorite places to send my clients when they are picking out art is Minted. You can go to to see this fun site. This is not an ad. No promotion here. I just like this site - especially for those who are new to picking out art.

Here is my top secret tip for picking art...drumroll please...just pick what you like. It is really quite simple. Pick something that makes you happy. You will need to look at it everyday, after all. Or pick something that evokes a feeling in you. Maybe a landscape of a farm reminds you of where you grew up. Perhaps a picture of a pool keeps summer in front of you and makes you smile. Or it could be as simple as you love blue and blue art makes you happy.

We really do complicate art. It is quite simple - pick what you like. It is your house, your wall, and your art. You know I always say you should love where you live. Art helps you personalize your space. Have fun with art selection and only choose things that you love. It really is as easy as that.

Throughout this blog, I have shown 9 art pieces that are my favorite on Minted. Feel free to go to Minted, or another site, and simply chose things you like. You can have them framed, on a canvas, or frame them yourself. However you like. (Michael's has great deals on frames - again, not an ad. But you can find frames inexpensively many places.) This process should be fun, inexpensive, and all about YOU.

Don't let this process intimidate you. Art is simply jewelry for your room. Don't let an outdated idea that only an "expert" can pick out art. Not true. There is no one better than you to pick art for you.

So, what piece are you going to choose to make you and your walls happy?

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